Doha / Paris, un Décor Princier

Doha / Paris, un Décor Princier

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 143. A gold-overlaid steel helmet (kulah khud), Persia, Safavid and Qajar, 18th/early 19th century.

A gold-overlaid steel helmet (kulah khud), Persia, Safavid and Qajar, 18th/early 19th century

Auction Closed

June 30, 08:46 PM GMT


4,000 - 6,000 EUR

Lot Details


A gold-overlaid steel helmet (kulah khud), Persia, Safavid and Qajar, 18th/early 19th century

the domed skull, possibly late Safavid, decorated with twenty gold-overlaid vertical ribs terminating in cusped cartouches comprising Qur'anic verses on a gold damascened ground, the rim with a narrow gold damascened floral and foliate band, the remaining elements late 18th/early 19th century, with an adjustable nasal guard, three plume holders each with a cartouche below comprising Qur'anic phrases against a background of scrolling foliage, with spike and base plate, a long iron and brass chain mail neck-guard with patterns consisting of cartouches and foliage

26 cm ; 10 1/4 in.


Casque (kulah khud) en acier ciselé à décor damasquiné d’or, Iran, Safavide et Qajar, 18e/19e siècle

26 cm ; 10¼ in.

Les Lots d'origine perse/iranien sont susceptibles d'être soumis à des restrictions d'importation dans certains pays, comme les Etats-Unis ainsi que dans certains ou tous les pays membres de Gulf Co-operation council. Il appartient à l'acheteur de veiller à s'assurer des règlementations en vigueur dans son pays de résidence ; l'incapacité à importer le lot ne pourra en aucun cas justifier une annulation de la vente. This lot of Persian/Iranian origin may be subject to import restrictions in some countries like the United States and some or all member countries of the Gulf Co-Operation Council. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that the export / import will comply with the regulations currently in place in their country of residence; A buyer's inability to export or import these lots cannot justify a sale's cancellation
Christie's London, Fine Antique Arms and Armour Including the Collection of Dr. Robert Amalric, 24 May 2006, lot 27


Finely written in thuluth: Qur’an, chapter LXI (al-saff), part of verse 13.

In gold cartouches: parts of the jawshan kabir prayer, a long Shi’i prayer containing invocations to God, by His numerous attributes. It is said to have been taught to Prophet Muhammad by God to protect him in battles.

A fine eighteenth century Safavid helmet of similar hemispherical form and a spike finial, decorated with a gold-overlaid hunting scene, sold at Sotheby’s London, 9 April 2008, lot 259.