Arts d'Asie Online
3 November - 9 November 2021 • Paris
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1 A blue and white 'crab and fish' lobed dish, Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 青花藻紋菊口折沿盤 《康熙年製》款
2 A blue and white 'deer' dish, Qing dynasty | 清 青花福祿如意紋盤
3 A blue and white baluster vase, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 青花詩文風景人物故事圖瓶
4 A Kraak punch bowl and a large Kraak charger, Ming dynasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 克拉克青花花卉紋大盌及大盤一組兩件
5 A blue and white porcelain 'landscape' plaque, Republican period | 民國 青花風景人物故事圖瓷板
6 A blue and white bottle vase, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 青花泛舟圖大瓶
7 A 'Bleu de Huê' porcelain dragon bowl, China for the Annamese court, mark of Thieu Tri | 清十九世紀 外銷安南青花游龍戲珠紋盌
8 A white-glazed archaic beaker vase Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 白釉壽字紋花觚
9 A painted pottery globular jar, Neolithic period, Yangshao culture | 新石器時代 仰韶文化彩陶雙耳罐
10 A red-painted pottery horse head, Han dynasty | 漢 陶馬首
11 A large pottery figure of a standing lady, Han dynasty | 漢 陶女俑
12 A grey sandstone head of a divinity, Khmer, Bayon style, circa 12th century | 高棉 約十二世紀 巴普昂式砂岩雕佛首殘片
13 A gilt-bronze fragmentary hand of a Buddha, Thailand, Ayutthaya period, 16th-17th century | 暹邏 阿瑜陀耶時期 十六至十七世紀 鎏金銅佛手殘件
14 A small copper-alloy figure of Shri Lakshmi, South India, ca. 16th century | 南印度 約十六世紀 合金銅吉祥天女立像
15 A group of seven gouache paintings, French school, circa 1900 | 約1900年 印度人物故事圖 一組七幀 設色紙本 鏡框
16 A small marble head of Buddha Tang dynasty | 唐 大理石雕佛首
17 A sancai-glazed pottery figure of a standing camel groom , Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩胡人立像
18 A large sancai-glazed pottery figure of guardian Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩天王立像
19 A gilt-bronze 'lion' belt plaque and two 'taotie' ornaments, Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金銅飾一組三件
20 A painted cotton 'phanung' India (Madras) for the Kingdom of Siam, 19th century | 印度 十九世紀 外銷暹邏帕努裹裙布
21 A painted cotton 'phanung' India (Madras), for the Kingdom of Siam, 19th century | 印度 十九世紀 外銷暹邏帕努裹裙布
22 A rare 'benjarong' yellow-ground bowl and cover, China for the Kingdom of Siam, 19th century | 十九世紀 外銷暹羅班加隆黃地花卉紋蓋盌
23 A 'benjarong' ‘bodhisattva’ bowl, China for the the Kingdom of Siam, 19th century | 十九世紀 外銷暹羅班加隆菩蕯紋盌
24 A 'benjarong' light blue-ground bowl and cover, China for the the Kingdom of Siam, 19th century | 十九世紀 外銷暹羅班加隆藍地花卉紋蓋盌
25 A large 'benjarong' floral bowl, China for the Kingdom of Siam, 19th century | 十九世紀 外銷暹羅班加隆花卉紋盌
26 Two sets of decoration medals, Republican period | 民國 1916年 二等寶光嘉禾勳章 及 民國 大綬采玉勳章 編號 121 各一套
27 Two rare gold niello-inlaid silver bowls, Kingdom of Siam, 19th century | 暹邏十九世紀 鎏金銀錯黑金花卉紋砵兩件
28 Blue-green velvet fabric Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 松綠地花卉紋絲絨掛飾
29 A bronze figure of seated Buddha Thailand, 18th-19th century | 暹邏 十八至十九世紀 銅佛坐像
30 A gilt copper-alloy figure of Shiva, probably South India, ca. 13th century, and a copper-alloy figure of Uma Shiva, Khmer, ca. 12th century | 或為南印度 約十三世紀 鎏金銅合金濕婆立像 及 高棉 約十二世纪 銅合金雪山神女立像
31 Two silver-filigree inlaid hardwood figures, South China or Vietnam, early 20th century | 華南或安南 二十世紀早期 木錯銀人物立像兩尊
32 A red-glazed flared bowl, Qing dynasty, 18th century, and two cream white-glazed bowls, The red-glazed bowl | 清十八世紀 紅釉盌 及 陶瓷盌 一組三件
33 A celadon-glazed ‘crane and chrysanthemum’ waterpot Korea, Goryeo dynasty, probably 13th-14th century | 或為高麗王朝 十三至十四世紀 象嵌青瓷菊花紋水盂
34 A small blue and white 'dog' waterdropper, Korea, Joseon dynasty | 朝鮮王國 青花臥犬水滴
35 A Buncheong-type bottle vase, Korea, Joseon dynasty, probably 15th-16th century | 朝鮮王朝 十五至十六世紀 粉青沙器系玉壺春瓶
36 A Longquan celadon dish and two jarlets, Song and Ming dynasties | 宋及明 龍泉窰印雙魚折沿盤、青釉罐及白釉罐一組三件
37 A jun-type bowl and dish Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 窰變釉盌及折沿盤一組兩件
38 A Longquan celadon vase and a Blanc-de-Chine vase, Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty | 明 龍泉窰青釉小瓶 及 清 德化窰白瓷小瓶
39 A 'dragon' kesi panel, Ming dynasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 緙絲四爪龍紋掛屏 鏡框
40 A carved bamboo figure of Shoulao, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 竹雕壽老坐像
41 A set of rare gilt-incised 'chicken blood'-soapstone cups and dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 芙蓉石雕盃及小盤一組四件
42 A very rare porcelain figure of a reclining ox, Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period, circa 1700-1722 | 清康熙 約1700至1722年間 彩瓷塑雕臥牛擺件
43 A grisaille and gilt-decorated 'seamstress' plate, Qing dynasty, circa 1750 | 清 約1750年 墨彩描金西洋仕女圖盤
44 A rare polychrome-glazed figural group, Qing dynasty, early 18th century | 清十八世紀初 外銷粉彩西洋雙子立像
45 A yellow-ground embroidered silk cushion cover, Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 黃地緞繡花卉紋墊面
46 A gilt-bronze figure of seated Buddha Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅佛坐像
47 Anonymous Eight views of Yuanming Yuan Qing dynasty | 清 圓明園八景 設色絹本 八開冊
48 A carved wood 'scholar and attendant' group and a copper alloy box and cover, Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 漆木雕人物故事擺件及合金銅鏨花卉紋蓋盒一組兩件