Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

A bronze figure of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Ming dynasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 銅觀世音菩薩坐像

1 A bronze figure of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Ming dynasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 銅觀世音菩薩坐像

A parcel-gilt bronze seated Buddha Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 局部鎏金銅佛坐像

2 A parcel-gilt bronze seated Buddha Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 局部鎏金銅佛坐像

Two gilt copper alloy Buddhist figures Tibet and Nepal, 14th and 17th century | 西藏及尼泊爾 十四及十七世紀 鎏金銅合金佛敎神像兩尊

3 Two gilt copper alloy Buddhist figures Tibet and Nepal, 14th and 17th century | 西藏及尼泊爾 十四及十七世紀 鎏金銅合金佛敎神像兩尊

A gilt copper alloy seated Buddha Tibet, 14th century | 西藏 十四世紀 鎏金銅合金佛坐像

4 A gilt copper alloy seated Buddha Tibet, 14th century | 西藏 十四世紀 鎏金銅合金佛坐像

A gilt bronze seated figure of a scholar Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 鎏金銅人物坐像

5 A gilt bronze seated figure of a scholar Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 鎏金銅人物坐像

A large bronze figure of Bhaishajyaguru Ming dynasty, 15th-16th century | 明十五至十六世紀 銅藥師坐像

6 A large bronze figure of Bhaishajyaguru Ming dynasty, 15th-16th century | 明十五至十六世紀 銅藥師坐像

A large parcel-gilt bronze Buddha on a lotus stand Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 局部鎏金銅佛坐像

7 A large parcel-gilt bronze Buddha on a lotus stand Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 局部鎏金銅佛坐像

A rare copper alloy figure of Avalokiteshvara Yuan dynasty, 14th century | 元十四世紀 銅合金觀世音菩薩坐像

8 A rare copper alloy figure of Avalokiteshvara Yuan dynasty, 14th century | 元十四世紀 銅合金觀世音菩薩坐像

A rare gilt copper alloy Buddhist figure, probably Ashkobya Buddha Tibet, 15th-16th century | 西藏 十五至十六世紀 鎏金銅合金或為阿閦佛坐像

9 A rare gilt copper alloy Buddhist figure, probably Ashkobya Buddha Tibet, 15th-16th century | 西藏 十五至十六世紀 鎏金銅合金或為阿閦佛坐像

A rare lacquer gilt wood Buddha Yuan dynasty | 元 漆金木雕佛坐像

10 A rare lacquer gilt wood Buddha Yuan dynasty | 元 漆金木雕佛坐像

A finely cast gilt copper alloy Sitatara Nepal, 18th century | 尼泊爾 十八世紀 鎏金銅合金白度母坐像

11 A finely cast gilt copper alloy Sitatara Nepal, 18th century | 尼泊爾 十八世紀 鎏金銅合金白度母坐像

A large gilt copper repoussé and copper alloy figure of Green Tara Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 鎏金銅合金綠度母坐像

12 A large gilt copper repoussé and copper alloy figure of Green Tara Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 鎏金銅合金綠度母坐像

A gilt copper alloy Sitatara Tibet, ca. 15th century | 西藏 約十五世紀 鎏金銅合金白度母坐像

13 A gilt copper alloy Sitatara Tibet, ca. 15th century | 西藏 約十五世紀 鎏金銅合金白度母坐像

A gilt copper alloy figure of Shyama Tara   Nepal, 19th century, dated 1858| 尼泊爾 十九世紀 鎏金銅合金綠度母坐像

14 A gilt copper alloy figure of Shyama Tara Nepal, 19th century, dated 1858| 尼泊爾 十九世紀 鎏金銅合金綠度母坐像

A gilt-copper alloy Padmasambhava Tibet, 19th century | 西藏 十九世紀 鎏金銅合金蓮花生大師坐像

15 A gilt-copper alloy Padmasambhava Tibet, 19th century | 西藏 十九世紀 鎏金銅合金蓮花生大師坐像

Two gilt-bronze figures of Amitayus Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 鎏金銅無量壽佛坐像兩尊

16 Two gilt-bronze figures of Amitayus Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 鎏金銅無量壽佛坐像兩尊

A gilt-bronze figure of Sitatapatra Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 銅大白傘蓋佛母坐像

17 A gilt-bronze figure of Sitatapatra Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 銅大白傘蓋佛母坐像

A large gilt copper repoussé and gilt copper alloy figure of Vajrasattva Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 鎏金銅合金金剛薩埵坐像

18 A large gilt copper repoussé and gilt copper alloy figure of Vajrasattva Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 鎏金銅合金金剛薩埵坐像

A lacquer gilt-decorated zitan figure of Sitatapatra Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 漆金紫檀木大白傘蓋佛母坐像

19 A lacquer gilt-decorated zitan figure of Sitatapatra Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 漆金紫檀木大白傘蓋佛母坐像

A large gilt bronze figure of Amitayus Qing Dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅無量壽佛坐像

20 A large gilt bronze figure of Amitayus Qing Dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅無量壽佛坐像

A rare nagthang (black-ground) thangka of a wrathful goddess Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 忿怒尊黑唐卡 設色布本

21 A rare nagthang (black-ground) thangka of a wrathful goddess Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 忿怒尊黑唐卡 設色布本

A nagthang (black-ground) thangka depicting Mahakala Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 大黑天黑唐卡 設色布本

22 A nagthang (black-ground) thangka depicting Mahakala Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 大黑天黑唐卡 設色布本

An important fragmentary relief head of an attendant Sui dynasty-Tang dynasty, ca. 7th century | 隋至唐 約七世紀 石浮雕神首殘件

23 An important fragmentary relief head of an attendant Sui dynasty-Tang dynasty, ca. 7th century | 隋至唐 約七世紀 石浮雕神首殘件

A huanghuali rounded-corners cabinet, yuanjiao gui Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明 十七世紀 黃花梨圓角櫃

24 A huanghuali rounded-corners cabinet, yuanjiao gui Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明 十七世紀 黃花梨圓角櫃

A Huanghuali portable table cabinet, Guanpixian Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 黃花梨官皮箱

25 A Huanghuali portable table cabinet, Guanpixian Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 黃花梨官皮箱

A cast iron head of a Luohan Song dynasty | 宋 鐵鑄羅漢首

26 A cast iron head of a Luohan Song dynasty | 宋 鐵鑄羅漢首

In the style of Zhao Mengfu Poem in running script | 趙孟頫款 行書書法

27 In the style of Zhao Mengfu Poem in running script | 趙孟頫款 行書書法

A large gilt-bronze figure of Yama Dharmaraja Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅閻摩法王立像

28 A large gilt-bronze figure of Yama Dharmaraja Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅閻摩法王立像

A large mottled brown jade nine-tier archaistic cong Ming dynasty or earlier | 明或更早期 青玉琮

29 A large mottled brown jade nine-tier archaistic cong Ming dynasty or earlier | 明或更早期 青玉琮

A hinged huanghuali box and cover Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 黃花梨蓋盒

30 A hinged huanghuali box and cover Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 黃花梨蓋盒

A huanghuali brushpot Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 黃花梨筆筒

31 A huanghuali brushpot Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 黃花梨筆筒

A well carved Ming-style inscribed archaistic 'chilong' cup Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 青白玉仿明鏤雕螭龍耳盃

32 A well carved Ming-style inscribed archaistic 'chilong' cup Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 青白玉仿明鏤雕螭龍耳盃

A hongmu and huali openwork 'crackled ice' footrest  Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 花梨木嵌紅木冰裂紋腳踏

33 A hongmu and huali openwork 'crackled ice' footrest Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 花梨木嵌紅木冰裂紋腳踏

A partly calcified jade disc, huan Probably Han dynasty | 或為漢 玉環

34 A partly calcified jade disc, huan Probably Han dynasty | 或為漢 玉環

A group of four archaistic jade ornaments In the Warring States style | 戰國時期風格玉飾一組四件

35 A group of four archaistic jade ornaments In the Warring States style | 戰國時期風格玉飾一組四件

A superb limestone head of a Bodhisattva, probably Avalokiteshvara Liao dynasty–Song dynasty | 遼至宋 石灰石雕菩薩頭像

36 A superb limestone head of a Bodhisattva, probably Avalokiteshvara Liao dynasty–Song dynasty | 遼至宋 石灰石雕菩薩頭像

The Eugene and Elva Bernat white-glazed ‘Amphora’ vase Tang dynasty | 唐 白釉雙龍耳瓶

37 The Eugene and Elva Bernat white-glazed ‘Amphora’ vase Tang dynasty | 唐 白釉雙龍耳瓶

A large and impressive sancai three-colour glazed pottery of a camel groom Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩人物俑

38 A large and impressive sancai three-colour glazed pottery of a camel groom Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩人物俑

A small marble head of Buddha Tang dynasty | 唐 大理石雕佛首

39 A small marble head of Buddha Tang dynasty | 唐 大理石雕佛首

A rare pair of white-glazed crackled garlic mouth vase Early Qing dynasty, 17th century | 清早期 十七世紀 白釉蒜頭瓶一對

40 A rare pair of white-glazed crackled garlic mouth vase Early Qing dynasty, 17th century | 清早期 十七世紀 白釉蒜頭瓶一對

A rare lobed celadon 'auspicious objects' dish Yuan dynasty | 元 青釉印雜寶紋花口盤

41 A rare lobed celadon 'auspicious objects' dish Yuan dynasty | 元 青釉印雜寶紋花口盤

An impressive sancai-glazed qilin 17th century | 十七世紀 三彩瑞獸香插

42 An impressive sancai-glazed qilin 17th century | 十七世紀 三彩瑞獸香插

A Longquan celadon bottle vase Song-Ming dynasty | 宋至明 龍泉窰青釉直頸盤口瓶

43 A Longquan celadon bottle vase Song-Ming dynasty | 宋至明 龍泉窰青釉直頸盤口瓶

A longquan celadon dish and a longquan celadon bowl Song Dynasty - Ming Dynasty | 宋至明 龍泉窰瓷器一組兩件

44 A longquan celadon dish and a longquan celadon bowl Song Dynasty - Ming Dynasty | 宋至明 龍泉窰瓷器一組兩件

A Longquan Celadon dish, Ming Dynasty | 明 龍泉窰青釉刻花卉紋盤

45 A Longquan Celadon dish, Ming Dynasty | 明 龍泉窰青釉刻花卉紋盤

A gold-splashed bronze incense burner Qing dynasty, 17th–18th century | 清十七至十八世紀 銅灑金弦紋筒式三足爐  《大明宣德年製》仿款

46 A gold-splashed bronze incense burner Qing dynasty, 17th–18th century | 清十七至十八世紀 銅灑金弦紋筒式三足爐 《大明宣德年製》仿款

A rare chenxiangmu Guanyin 17th-18th century | 十七至十八世紀 沉香木雕觀音坐像

47 A rare chenxiangmu Guanyin 17th-18th century | 十七至十八世紀 沉香木雕觀音坐像

A finely cast gold and silver inlaid archaistic 'recumbent buffalo' waterpot Yuan Dynasty -Ming Dynasty, 13th-15th century | 元至明 十三至十五世紀 銅錯金銀臥牛水注

48 A finely cast gold and silver inlaid archaistic 'recumbent buffalo' waterpot Yuan Dynasty -Ming Dynasty, 13th-15th century | 元至明 十三至十五世紀 銅錯金銀臥牛水注