Music, Continental Books and Medieval Manuscripts
7 July - 14 July 2020 • London
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1 Two folio albums of letters and manuscripts by Clara Schumann, Parry, Lind, Viardot, Spohr, Bülow and others, C19
2 D.-F.-E. Auber, Autograph manuscript of the song "Sur les bords écumants des fleuves qui roulent des flots", 1840?
3 J.S. Bach. First edition full score of the St. Matthew Passion, Berlin 1830
4 J. S. Bach. Three first and early editions of music for organ, bound in one volume, 1831-1834
5 J. S. Bach. Two early editions: Fantaisie pour le Clavecin, No I [BWV 906] & Chromatische Fantasie BWV 903
6 B. Bartók, 5 autograph letters to Frederick Delius, about the influence of folk music on his works, 1910-1911
7 L v Beethoven, unpublished autograph note signed about the "Archduke" Trio and his final violin sonata, [1813-1815]
8 L.van Beethoven. First edition, second issue of the Ninth Symphony op.125 [full score], Mainz & Paris, [c.1827]
9 G. Bizet, Autograph musical quotation of the 'Flower Song' from "Carmen", in the album of the first Don José, 1868-1875
11 J. Brahms. Autograph letter to Elisabet von Herzogenberg, about the op.76 piano pieces and Ethel Smyth, [1878]
12 J. Brahms. Autograph letter to Anna Franz (née Wittgenstein), thanking her for some tobacco [before 1892]
13 Max Bruch. Autograph manuscript full score of the Overture to his opera "Die Loreley", April 1863
14 M. Bruch. Collection of manuscripts of the opera "Die Loreley" op.16, some corrected by the composer, 1863-1916
15 A. Campra. Early eighteenth-century manuscript short score of the opera "Tancrède", 1726
16 F. Chopin. Autograph note to his pupil the young prodigy Carl Filtsch, about his concert in Paris [April 1843]
17 [F. Chopin]--autograph letter by Chopin's brother-in-law Antoine Barcinski, about the 17 Polish Songs op.74, 1857
18 Ch. Gounod. Autograph manuscript of "Saint-François d'Assise", in a fine "Gothic" binding by Gruel, 1891
19 G.B. Granata. Soavi concenti di sonate musicali per la chitarra spagnuola [guitar], Bologna: Giacomo Monti, 1659
20 F. Liszt. Autograph musical albumblatt of a "Preludio" for piano, Nuremberg, 11 October 1843
21 F. Liszt. Large lithographed portrait of Liszt in 1846, with an autograph musical quotation, signed ("FL")
22 J. Massenet. Autograph manuscript of "Musique pour une Pièce antique", from "Les Érinnyes", for piano, 1873
23 F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Autograph manuscript of the song 'Im Frühling' ("Ich hör' ein Vöglein locken"), London 1842
24 F. Mendelssohn. Unpublished autograph letter to his publisher Friedrich Kistner, Leipzig, 18 December 1839
25 G. Meyerbeer, Fine early autograph letter to Giovanni Ricordi about "Romilda e Costanza", 24 April 1818
26 W.A. Mozart. First edition of the Piano and Wind Quintet in E flat, K.452, Augsburg: Gombart & Co. [1799]
27 W.A. Mozart. Early edition, in parts, of the Concerto in A for piano and orchestra, K.488
28 Jacques Offenbach. Collection of sketchleaves, including sketches for
29 Photographs. Collection of carte-de-visite photographs by Disdéri and others, including of Verdi and Gounod, 1860s
30 G. Puccini. Autograph love-letter to the soprano Rose Ader, describing his desperate passion for her, 1921
31 G. Puccini. Large photograph signed and inscribed to Vincent Seligman, MIlan 14 April 1912
32 G. Puccini, Three autograph letters and three autograph postcards, to Sybil Seligman, 1911
33 H. Purcell. The Vocal and Instrumental Musick of the Prophetess, or the History of Dioclesian, London: Heptinstall,1691
34 G. Rossini. Autograph letter to the singer Antonio Tamburini, reminding him of his obligations to him, 1839
36 R. Schumann. Autograph letter to Heinrich Dorn about "Das Paradies und die Peri", and his illnesses, 1845
37 J. Sibelius, 2 typed letters signed ("Jean Sibelius"), and a telegram, to Sir Thomas Beecham, 1949 & 1953
38 R. Strauss, Sketchleaf for "Der Bürger als Edelmann", Op.60 (III) and "Schlagobers", Op.70, [1917-1921]
39 Richard Strauss, two autograph letters signed, about "Die schweigsame Frau", to Sir Thomas Beecham, 1936
40 P. Tchaikovsky. Fine autograph letter to the conductor E.F. Napravnik, about his opera "Mazepa", 10/22 September 1883
41 Ambroise Thomas. Autograph manuscript of "Concours de violon 1853"
42 G. Verdi. Autograph letter to the librettist Salvadore Cammarano, 1848
43 G. Verdi. Large cabinet-style photograph signed and inscribed, February 1895
44 R. Wagner. Autograph manuscript prose draft for "Wieland der Schmied", [WWV 82], 1850
45 R. Wagner. Autograph letter about his pamphlet on Judaism in Music, and his views on German Jews in Paris, 1869
46 Carta executoria, Valladolid, 1591, contemporary Spanish calf gilt with lead seal
47 Council of Basel, Marriage dispensation for the Gonzaga and Este families, manuscript on vellum, 1436
48 Album containing letters by Feininger, Gropius and Binder to Anna-Clare Hilton, 1952
49 Ferdinand V ("the Catholic") King of Spain (1452-1516). Letter signed ("yo el Rey"), Valladolid, 28 January 1511
50 Frederick the Great, Autograph letter to his sister Anna Amalie of Prussia, about his lack of religious faith, 1762