Magnificent Jewels
Magnificent Jewels
Auction Closed
October 7, 10:25 AM GMT
200,000 - 350,000 HKD
Lot Details
FORMS |「哥倫比亞」祖母綠 配 鑽石 及 琺琅彩 耳環一對
Each set with a pear-shaped emerald weighing 1.39 carats in total, decorated with marquise-shaped and brilliant-cut diamonds, highlighted with green enamel details, mounted in 18 karat white gold, with maker's mark for Forms, post and hinged back fittings, case stamped Forms.
Accompanied by a gemmological report.
Driven by the freedom of design combined with an integral focus on technical craftsmanship, FORMS is a high jewellery house which has mastered the art of escalating natural precious gemstones into wearable forms of art. With only a limited number of productions each year, every piece of FORMS jewellery is intricately designed with a sense of natural weightlessness and technical innovation resulting in sophisticated and timeless creations that invite the wearer to look closely from every angle.
A classic Burmese sapphire is elevated through design, shaped as a seamless dome which lies equally as unified on the wearer’s finger. Lot 1741 features a 7.95 carat sapphire with naturally striking colour and saturation. The immaculately positioned half-moon- and marquise-shaped diamonds provide a modern twist to an otherwise traditional and timeless setting.
Inspired by nature’s colourful creation, a striking peacock acts as the muse for Lot 1742. Stunning pear-shaped emeralds are surrounded by a structure created with tapering lines of marquise diamonds which appear to be staying afloat. A delicate detail of hand painted green enamel accentuates the vibrancy of the showy muse perfectly combining modern style with classic vivacity.
Finally, the essence of FORMS can be observed through the seemingly unassuming setting of Lot 1743, which in actuality serves a strong and powerful design when closely admired. The use of French-cut diamonds provides an edge to the construction without drawing away from the incredible 6.41 carat natural Burmese ruby of pure gem quality.
FORMS continuously strikes a great balance between undeniably well-crafted and elaborate jewels with a level of understatement that gives virtue to the importance of wearability and level of elegance to the wearer.
品牌的悉心設計使經典緬甸藍寶石搖身一變,成為一枚完美無縫的圓拱形藍寶石戒指,彷彿與纖纖玉指融為一體,讓寶石與人體之美相輔相成。拍品1741 鑲一顆7.95卡拉藍寶石,色澤天然、飽和濃郁;主石周邊鑲半月形及欖尖形鑽石,陪襯得恰如其分,為原本傳統雋永的設計注入現代活力。
拍品1742 的靈感源自一種色彩斑斕的美麗生靈——華艷高貴的孔雀。梨形祖母綠主石貴氣不凡,周邊環繞一圈欖尖形鑽石,如孔雀開屏般矚目。精緻的手繪綠色琺瑯彩細線,令這枚輝煌耀目的戒指更顯生意盎然,將現代風格與經典活力風韻完美融合。
最後,FORMS的創意精髓,從拍品1743 可見一斑。乍看之下,這枚戒指的設計低調保守,只有細心觀察,才能感受到它的高貴氣派。戒指鑲一顆質量上乘、純淨天然的6.41卡拉緬甸紅寶石,主石周邊配方形鑽石,為整體設計另添一道耀眼鋒芒,兩者相得益彰,毫無喧賓奪主之嫌。
一直以來, FORMS 在瑰艷精緻與簡約素雅的設計之間取得平衡,旗下珠寶首飾風格宜人、易於配襯,卻又不失典雅風範。