English Literature, History, Science, Children’s Books and Illustrations
1 December - 8 December 2020 • London
1 JAMES OF MILAN | Pricking of love, illuminated manuscript in Middle English [England, fifteenth century]
2 AUGUSTINE | The kernell or extract... of S. Augustins Confessions, Paris, 1638, modern calf by Riviere
3 BACON | The twoo bookes of the proficience and advancement of learning, London, 1605, vellum
4 BEDE | The history of the Church of Englande, Antwerp, 1565, old calf
5 BEDE | The history of the Church of Englande; Stapleton, A fortresse of the faith, Antwerp, 1565, half morocco
6 BOWES | Three calligraphic manuscripts, 17th century
9 [BURGHLEY] | The execution of justice in England, London, 1583, modern buckram
10 CAMDEN | Britannia, London, 1607, contemporary calf gilt
11 [CAMPION] | A particular declaration or testimony, London, 1582, modern brown buckram
14 FISHER | This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayinges of Davyd, London, 1555, modern blue morocco
15 [HARINGTON] | The metamorphosis of Ajax; An apologie, London, 1596, 2 volumes, later half green morocco
16 HOBBES | Leviathan, London, 1651, contemporary calf
17 HOBBES | Leviathan, London, 1651 [i.e. 1678], later calf gilt
18 HOOPER | A declaratyon of the ten holy commaundements, London, 1550, later calf
20 LESLIE | A treatise towching the right... of... Princess Marie, Queene of Scotland, [Rouen], 1584, vellum gilt
21 MORE | Omnia Latina opera, Louvain, 1566, later calf
22 [PARSONS] | De persecutione Anglicana libellus, Rome, 1582, later vellum
23 QUAKER PAMPHLETS | Collection of over 60 tracts in one volume, mid seventeenth century
24 SMITH | A confutation of a certen booke, [Paris, 1553], later calf
27 BADEN POWELL | A collection of six autograph letters, notes, quotations, and signatures
28 DE LA BECHE | Duria Antiquior, hand-coloured lithograph, 1830
29 DE LA BECHE | Duria Antiquior, lithograph, 1830
30 BONNEY | Manuscript history of the Tower of London, 1 volume, c.1794
31 JOSEPHINE BUTLER | Autograph letter signed, to Robert F. Horton, 1898
32 CHURCHILL | Autograph letter signed, to Moreton Frewen, on prose style, 31 August [1896]
34 CHURCHILL | The People's Rights, 1910
35 CHURCHILL | Letter signed, to Richard Freund, on the likelihood of war, 2 September 1938
36 CHURCHILL | Conquer We Shall, 1940
37 CHURCHILL | A Speech ... in the House of Commons August 20th, 1940 (2 copies in variant bindings)
38 CHURCHILL AND ROOSEVELT | The Atlantic Charter, 1941
39 CHURCHILL | signed photograph by Vivienne
40 CHURCHILL | signed photograph, taken in Gibraltar with a macaque, 1960
41 COTTINGLEY FAIRIES | Complete collection of five photographs, 1920
43 DALRYMPLE | An historical collection of the several voyages and discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, 1770-1771
44 DARWIN | For Private Distribution... Extracts from Letters addressed to Professor Henslow..., 1835, original wrappers
45 DARWIN | A watercolour portrait of Darwin by John Collier
47 THOMAS HANCOCK | Medallion portrait, in rubber, [1851]
48 HAWAI'I | Autograph album, including King Kalakaua, Queen Kapionlani, and other dignitories, 1878-79
49 HAWKING | The Universe in a Nutshell, with Hawking's thumbprint
50 HAYEK | The Road to Serfdom, 1944, inscribed to Karl Popper
52 LOWTH | Series of 32 autograph letters signed, to Rev. William Longstaffe, 1763-80
54 MONCK | two letters signed, 1659-62
55 NEVILL MOTT | Extensive series of letters to Yvonne Cauchois, 1948-96
56 [NELSON] | Key to the Battle of the Nile, engraved illustrations, [after 1812]
57 HMS VICTORY | Fragment of flag believed to have flown at the Battle of Trafalgar
58 [NELSON] | An Exact Representation of the English & French Fleets off the Mouth of the Nile, 1798
60 VON NEUMANN and MORGENSTERN | Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 1944, first edition
61 NEWTON | Autograph manuscript notes on the Great Pyramid of Egypt, c. 1680s