English Literature, History, Science, Children’s Books and Illustrations

English Literature, History, Science, Children’s Books and Illustrations

English Literature, History, Science, Children’s Books and Illustrations

English Literature, History, Science, Children’s Books and Illustrations

1 December - 8 December 2020 • London

JAMES OF MILAN | Pricking of love, illuminated manuscript in Middle English [England, fifteenth century]

1 JAMES OF MILAN | Pricking of love, illuminated manuscript in Middle English [England, fifteenth century]

AUGUSTINE | The kernell or extract... of S. Augustins Confessions, Paris, 1638, modern calf by Riviere

2 AUGUSTINE | The kernell or extract... of S. Augustins Confessions, Paris, 1638, modern calf by Riviere

BACON | The twoo bookes of the proficience and advancement of learning, London, 1605, vellum

3 BACON | The twoo bookes of the proficience and advancement of learning, London, 1605, vellum

BEDE | The history of the Church of Englande, Antwerp, 1565, old calf

4 BEDE | The history of the Church of Englande, Antwerp, 1565, old calf

BEDE | The history of the Church of Englande; Stapleton, A fortresse of the faith, Antwerp, 1565, half morocco

5 BEDE | The history of the Church of Englande; Stapleton, A fortresse of the faith, Antwerp, 1565, half morocco

BOWES | Three calligraphic manuscripts, 17th century

6 BOWES | Three calligraphic manuscripts, 17th century

[BURGHLEY] | The execution of justice in England, London, 1583, modern buckram

9 [BURGHLEY] | The execution of justice in England, London, 1583, modern buckram

CAMDEN | Britannia, London, 1607, contemporary calf gilt

10 CAMDEN | Britannia, London, 1607, contemporary calf gilt

[CAMPION] | A particular declaration or testimony, London, 1582, modern brown buckram

11 [CAMPION] | A particular declaration or testimony, London, 1582, modern brown buckram

FISHER | This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayinges of Davyd, London, 1555, modern blue morocco

14 FISHER | This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayinges of Davyd, London, 1555, modern blue morocco

[HARINGTON] | The metamorphosis of Ajax; An apologie, London, 1596, 2 volumes, later half green morocco

15 [HARINGTON] | The metamorphosis of Ajax; An apologie, London, 1596, 2 volumes, later half green morocco

HOBBES | Leviathan, London, 1651, contemporary calf

16 HOBBES | Leviathan, London, 1651, contemporary calf

HOBBES | Leviathan, London, 1651 [i.e. 1678], later calf gilt

17 HOBBES | Leviathan, London, 1651 [i.e. 1678], later calf gilt

HOOPER | A declaratyon of the ten holy commaundements, London, 1550, later calf

18 HOOPER | A declaratyon of the ten holy commaundements, London, 1550, later calf

LESLIE | A treatise towching the right... of... Princess Marie, Queene of Scotland, [Rouen], 1584, vellum gilt

20 LESLIE | A treatise towching the right... of... Princess Marie, Queene of Scotland, [Rouen], 1584, vellum gilt

MORE | Omnia Latina opera, Louvain, 1566, later calf

21 MORE | Omnia Latina opera, Louvain, 1566, later calf

[PARSONS] | De persecutione Anglicana libellus, Rome, 1582, later vellum

22 [PARSONS] | De persecutione Anglicana libellus, Rome, 1582, later vellum

QUAKER PAMPHLETS | Collection of over 60 tracts in one volume, mid seventeenth century

23 QUAKER PAMPHLETS | Collection of over 60 tracts in one volume, mid seventeenth century

SMITH | A confutation of a certen booke, [Paris, 1553], later calf

24 SMITH | A confutation of a certen booke, [Paris, 1553], later calf

BADEN POWELL | A collection of six autograph letters, notes, quotations, and signatures

27 BADEN POWELL | A collection of six autograph letters, notes, quotations, and signatures

DE LA BECHE | Duria Antiquior, hand-coloured lithograph, 1830

28 DE LA BECHE | Duria Antiquior, hand-coloured lithograph, 1830

DE LA BECHE | Duria Antiquior, lithograph, 1830

29 DE LA BECHE | Duria Antiquior, lithograph, 1830

BONNEY | Manuscript history of the Tower of London, 1 volume, c.1794

30 BONNEY | Manuscript history of the Tower of London, 1 volume, c.1794

JOSEPHINE BUTLER | Autograph letter signed, to Robert F. Horton, 1898

31 JOSEPHINE BUTLER | Autograph letter signed, to Robert F. Horton, 1898

CHURCHILL | Autograph letter signed, to Moreton Frewen, on prose style, 31 August [1896]

32 CHURCHILL | Autograph letter signed, to Moreton Frewen, on prose style, 31 August [1896]

CHURCHILL | The People's Rights, 1910

34 CHURCHILL | The People's Rights, 1910

CHURCHILL | Letter signed, to Richard Freund, on the likelihood of war, 2 September 1938

35 CHURCHILL | Letter signed, to Richard Freund, on the likelihood of war, 2 September 1938

CHURCHILL | Conquer We Shall, 1940

36 CHURCHILL | Conquer We Shall, 1940

CHURCHILL | A Speech ... in the House of Commons August 20th, 1940 (2 copies in variant bindings)

37 CHURCHILL | A Speech ... in the House of Commons August 20th, 1940 (2 copies in variant bindings)

CHURCHILL AND ROOSEVELT | The Atlantic Charter, 1941

38 CHURCHILL AND ROOSEVELT | The Atlantic Charter, 1941

CHURCHILL | signed photograph by Vivienne

39 CHURCHILL | signed photograph by Vivienne

CHURCHILL | signed photograph, taken in Gibraltar with a macaque, 1960

40 CHURCHILL | signed photograph, taken in Gibraltar with a macaque, 1960

COTTINGLEY FAIRIES | Complete collection of five photographs, 1920

41 COTTINGLEY FAIRIES | Complete collection of five photographs, 1920

DALRYMPLE | An historical collection of the several voyages and discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, 1770-1771

43 DALRYMPLE | An historical collection of the several voyages and discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, 1770-1771

DARWIN | For Private Distribution... Extracts from Letters addressed to Professor Henslow..., 1835, original wrappers

44 DARWIN | For Private Distribution... Extracts from Letters addressed to Professor Henslow..., 1835, original wrappers

DARWIN | A watercolour portrait of Darwin by John Collier

45 DARWIN | A watercolour portrait of Darwin by John Collier

THOMAS HANCOCK | Medallion portrait, in rubber, [1851]

47 THOMAS HANCOCK | Medallion portrait, in rubber, [1851]

HAWAI'I | Autograph album, including King Kalakaua, Queen Kapionlani, and other dignitories, 1878-79

48 HAWAI'I | Autograph album, including King Kalakaua, Queen Kapionlani, and other dignitories, 1878-79

HAWKING | The Universe in a Nutshell, with Hawking's thumbprint

49 HAWKING | The Universe in a Nutshell, with Hawking's thumbprint

HAYEK | The Road to Serfdom, 1944, inscribed to Karl Popper

50 HAYEK | The Road to Serfdom, 1944, inscribed to Karl Popper

LOWTH | Series of 32 autograph letters signed, to Rev. William Longstaffe, 1763-80

52 LOWTH | Series of 32 autograph letters signed, to Rev. William Longstaffe, 1763-80

MONCK | two letters signed, 1659-62

54 MONCK | two letters signed, 1659-62

NEVILL MOTT | Extensive series of letters to Yvonne Cauchois, 1948-96

55 NEVILL MOTT | Extensive series of letters to Yvonne Cauchois, 1948-96

[NELSON] | Key to the Battle of the Nile, engraved illustrations, [after 1812]

56 [NELSON] | Key to the Battle of the Nile, engraved illustrations, [after 1812]

HMS VICTORY | Fragment of flag believed to have flown at the Battle of Trafalgar

57 HMS VICTORY | Fragment of flag believed to have flown at the Battle of Trafalgar

[NELSON] | An Exact Representation of the English & French Fleets off the Mouth of the Nile, 1798

58 [NELSON] | An Exact Representation of the English & French Fleets off the Mouth of the Nile, 1798

VON NEUMANN and MORGENSTERN | Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 1944, first edition

60 VON NEUMANN and MORGENSTERN | Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 1944, first edition

NEWTON | Autograph manuscript notes on the Great Pyramid of Egypt, c. 1680s

61 NEWTON | Autograph manuscript notes on the Great Pyramid of Egypt, c. 1680s