1 ALBIN | A natural history of birds, 1738-1740 (but later)
2 ALKEN | The national sports of Great Britain, 1821
3 AMBERT | Esquisses historiques... l'armée française, Saumur, 1835, half red morocco, Furstenberg copy
4 ANNING, MARY | autograph letter signed, to William Buckland, [1829]
5 ASTLEY | The art of riding, London, 1584, later calf, drop-back box
6 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM | c.460 items including letters by Babbage, Charles Vignoles, and many others
7 BEDFORD, DR EVAN | Medical papers, diaries, and related material
8 BEEBE, C.W. | A Monograph of the Pheasants, London 1918-1922, 4 volumes
9 BONAPARTE, C.L. | Iconographie des pigeons, Paris 1857
10 BOYS | Original views of London as it is. London: Thomas Boys, 1842
11 BRAZIL | Brass plaque celebrating the establishment of the First Brazilian Republic, 15 November 1889
12 BRAZIL | Fernando de Noronha island, watercolour and engraved map
13 [BRAZIL]--CICÉRI AND BENOIST | Rio de Janeiro, [1852], hand-coloured lithograph
14 [BRAZIL]--CORONELLI | Three globe gores of South America, mainly Brazil, [c.1693]
15 [BRAZIL]--HORATIUS | Il Regno del Brasile parte nobilissima del Mondo nuovo, 1698, engraved map
16 BRAZIL | Two lithographed views of Rio de Janeiro, [1850s]
17 BRINDESI | Elbicei atika. Musée des anciens costumes Turcs de Constantinople. Paris, Lemercier, [1855]
18 CARDIGAN and McCORMICK | Eight months on active service & A Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol, both 1855; 2 works
19 CARLEVARIS | Le fabriche e vedute di Venetia, Venice, [1705]
20 CHILE | Two lithographed views of Valparaiso, [c.1854]
21 CORONELLI | Atlante Veneto, 1691
22 DAFFY | Elixir Salutis, 1681, 2 pamphlets
23 DARWIN | autograph letter signed, to Henry Colburn, [1837]
24 DINGLE | The new atlas of China, 1920
25 DONN | A map of the county of Devon, 1765
26 DONOVAN | The natural history of British birds, 1794-1798
27 DURY | A chorographical map of the King of Sardinia's dominions, 1765
28 EDWARDS | A natural history of birds [Gleanings of natural history], 1802–1806 (watermarks 1816–1824)
29 EINSTEIN | Signed photograph, 1955
30 ELLIOT, D.G.| A Monograph of the Paradiseidae, or Birds of Paradise, New York 1873, folio, 36 plates
31 ELLIOT, D.G. | A Monograph of the Phasianidae, New York 1870-1872, 2 volumes
32 FARRÈRE AND FOUQUERAY | Jonques et sampans, 1945
33 [FER] | Mappe-monde ou carte generale de la terre, 1760, large hand-coloured wall-map
34 FRANCE | A pair of trompe-l'oeil engravings of assignats, c.1797
35 FÜSSLI | Vues remarquables de la Suisse, [c.1802]
36 GART DER GESUNDHEIT | Augsburg, 1487, coloured woodcuts, later boards
37 GOULD, J. | Monograph of the Trogonidae, London 1835-1838, folio
38 HAYES, W. | Portraits of Rare and Curious Birds, London 1794
39 HUME and MARSHALL | The Game Birds of India, Calcutta 1879-81, 3 vols
40 JAILLOT AND SANSON | Atlas Nouveau. Contenant toutes les parties du Monde, 1692-1693, 2 volumes
41 JAWHARI, ISMA'IL IBN HAMMAD | Turkish-Arabic dictionary, 1803, Sir Gore Ouseley's copy
42 KNORR | Verlustiging der oogen en van den geest, 1770–1775
43 KOREA | Manuscript map, [twentieth century]
44 LATHAM | A general synopsis of birds, 1781-1785
45 LONDON |The several plans and drawings ... in the Third Report ... upon the improvement of the Port of London, 1800
46 MALAYSIA | Reconnaissance Map South-East Pahang, 1922
47 MEDICINE | Manuscript medical and culinary recipe book, 17th centuy