Art of Humidors | Contemporary Design

Art of Humidors | Contemporary Design

Art of Humidors | Contemporary Design

4 results sorted by Lot number (low to high)

4 results sorted by

Lot number (low to high)

Liu Ye 劉野 X Elie Bleu l Blue Sycamore Humidor 藍色懸鈴木雪茄盒

1 Liu Ye 劉野 X Elie Bleu l Blue Sycamore Humidor 藍色懸鈴木雪茄盒

Zeng Fanzhi 曾梵志 x Elie Bleu I Pink Sycamore Humidor 粉紅色懸鈴木雪茄盒

2 Zeng Fanzhi 曾梵志 x Elie Bleu I Pink Sycamore Humidor 粉紅色懸鈴木雪茄盒

Wang Guangyi 王廣義 X ELIE BLEU I Red Sycamore Humidor 紅色懸鈴木雪茄盒

3 Wang Guangyi 王廣義 X ELIE BLEU I Red Sycamore Humidor 紅色懸鈴木雪茄盒

Yue Minjun 岳敏君 X ELIE BLEU I Black Sycamore Humidor 黑色懸鈴木雪茄盒

4 Yue Minjun 岳敏君 X ELIE BLEU I Black Sycamore Humidor 黑色懸鈴木雪茄盒