Department of Justice," United States Secures Return of Artwork 87 Years After Nazis Lotted it From Jewish Family in Berlin," October 15, 2020, U.S. Attorney's Office, Northern District of New York
Eduardo Medina, "FBI Returns Painting Stolen by Nazis to Owner's Heirs," October 15, 2020,
Helen Holmes, "Arkell Museum in New York State Returns Nazi-Looted Painting to Its Rightful Owners," October 16, 2020,
The Associated Press, "Jewish Family Painting Looted by Nazis in 1933 is Returned," October 16, 2020,
Kelly McLaughlin, "A Painting Stolen by Nazi Looters was Returned to a Jewish Family 87 Years After it was Taken," October 17, 2020,
Christina Zdanowicz, "Painting Returned 87 Years After Nazis Stole it From a Jewish Family in Berlin," October 16, 2020,
Tufayle Ahmed, "Recovered Painting Looted by Nazis is Almost Identical to Painting on Display in Philadelphia Museum", November 4, 2019,
The Associated Press, "Painting by American Artist that Nazis stole from Jewish Family Recovered from N.Y. Museum," October 23, 2019,
"Painting Stolen by Nazis Found in New York Museum by FBI", October 24, 2019,