Private Sale
Still Life on (Stone)
signed, titled and dated Feb 8-49/ Ben Nicholson/ still-life (stone) (on the reverse)
oil and pencil on cardboard on masonite worked by the artist, within the framework of the artist
35 by 42.5 cm.
13 ¾ by 16 ¾ in.
Executed in 1949.
Price upon request
Taxes not included
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signed, titled and dated Feb 8-49/ Ben Nicholson/ still-life (stone) (on the reverse)
35 by 42.5 cm.
13 ¾ by 16 ¾ in.
The Lefevre Gallery, London
Anthony Twentyman (acquired from the above in 1950)
Private Collection (by decent from the above)
Christies London, 20th June 2016, lot 5
Haas Gallery, London
Acquired directly from the above by the present owner
London, The Lefevre Gallery, Recent Paintings 1949-50 by Ben Nicholson, October 1950, cat. no. 2