Lot 886
  • 886


500 - 700 GBP
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  • A collection of 19 works, comprising:
I. Allcock, Harold John (1897-1947) and Jones, John Reginald. The Nomogram. The theory and practical construction of computation charts. London: Isaac Pitman, 1932, original cloth gilt, [T&W A61]ii. Baum, Frank George (1870-1932). An alternating current calculating device. For the use of electrical engineers. Stanford, CA: Author, 1902, with calculating device,  original wrappers, lacking upper wrapper, lower wrapper detached, [T&W B114]iii. Brodetsky, Selig (1888-1954). A first course in nomography. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1925, original cloth, (Edinburgh University Library), [T&W B260]iv. Douglass, Raymond Donald (born 1894) and Adams, Douglas Payne (born 1909). Elements of nomography. New York: McGraw Hill, 1947, original cloth, dust-jacket, jacket slightly chipped, [T&W D64]v. Lalanne, Léon Louis Chrétien (1811-1892). Mémoire sur les tables graphiques et sur la géométrie anamorphique appliquées a diverses questions qui se rattachent a l’art de l’ingénieur. Paris: Carilian-Goeury et V. Dalmont, 1846, modern boards, original wrappers bound in, some slight spotting, [T&W L17]vi. Lambert, René (1900-1964). Structure générale des nomogrammes et des systémes nomographiques. Paris: Hermann et Cie., 1937, original paper covers, [T&W L21]vii. Lefroid, Louis. Abaque d'extraction de racines et d'elevation aux puissances d'un nombre quelconque. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1953, one folding oblong sheet, inserted into wrappers, [T&W L56]viii. Lipka, Joseph (1883-1924). Graphical and mechanical computation. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1918, original cloth, [T&W L117]ix. Luckey, [Christian] Paul (1884-1949). Einführung in die Nomographie. Erster teil: Die funktionsleiter. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1918, original wrappers, browned, covers detached, [T&W L140]x. Meyer zur Capellen, Walther (1902-1985). Leitfaden der Nomographie. Berlin, Göttingen & Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1953, original cloth, [T&W M97]xi. Ocagne, Philibert Maurice d’ (1862-1938). "Sur la methode nomographique la plus generale resultant de la position relative de deux plans superposes" [from:] Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Académie des Sciences, 31 January, 1898. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1898, wrappers, author's signature stamp and "Hommage de l'Auteur", (Weinreb Collection, Bloomsbury, 28 October 1999, lot 84, Erwin Tomash), [T&W O9]xii. Ocagne, Philibert Maurice d’. "Sur la resolution nomographique du triangle de position pour une latitude donnée" [in:] Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Académie des Sciences, Vol. 135, No. 18, November 3, 1902 pp.728-730. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1902, original wrappers, wrappers detached, [T&W O11]xiii. Ocagne, Philibert Maurice d’. Calcul graphique et nomographie. Paris: Octave Doin, [1908], original orange cloth printed in black and red, [T&W O12]xiv. Ocagne, Philibert Maurice d’. Calcul graphique et nomographie. Paris: Octave Doin, [1914], original orange cloth printed in black and red, [T&W O13]xv. Ocagne, Philibert Maurice d’ . Calcul graphique et nomographie. Paris: Octave Doin, [1914], original orange paper covers printed in black and red, [T&W O14]xvi. Ocagne, Philibert Maurice d’.  Deux conferences sur la nomographie donnée les 28 et 29 juillet 1914 à l'Université d'Edimbourg... [from:] L'Enseignement Mathématique No. du 15 Novembre 1916 et No. de Janvier-Mars 1917. Paris: L'Enseignement Mathématique, 1916-17, original printed wrappers, [T&W O18]xvii. Ocagne, Philibert Maurice d’.  Traité de nomographie. Théorie des abaques. Applications pratiques. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1899, contemporary quarter morocco, (Franklin Institute Library, Philadelphia; bought from the Antiquarian Scientist, 1989), [T&W O22; Origins of Cyberspace 245]xviii. Ocagne, Philibert Maurice d’. Traité de nomographie. Étude générale de la représentation graphique cotée des équations a un nombre quelconque de variables applications pratiques. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1921, wrappers, preserved in quarter cloth folding box, disbound, [T&W O24]xix. Swett, George Wright. Construction of alignment charts. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1928, original cloth8vo or 4to (19) 


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Catalogue Note

The pioneering French civil engineer and professor of geometry Maurice d'Ocagne spent most of his life devising transformations to make graphical calculation schemes usable. The seventeenth item here is the work in which he fully established his reputation. In it d’Ocagne explores the entire field of nomograms and discusses how to execute the various transformations needed to both create them and facilitate their use. Its publication changed the construction of nomograms from a haphazard process of trial and error to a systematic methodology.