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Demetrios Galanis
25,000 - 35,000 GBP
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- Demetrios Galanis
- La tour carrée (The Square Tower)
- signed lower right
- oil on canvas
- 54 by 65cm., 21¼ by 25½in.
A gift from Galanis' wife to the Centre Culturel Hellénique following the success of the 1975 and 1976 Galanis exhibitions
Paris, Centre Culturel Hellénique, Jeunes peintres et sculpteurs grecs à Paris, 1975
Paris, Musée de Montmartre, Demetrius Galanis, Paris, 1976
Paris, Musée de Montmartre, Demetrius Galanis, Paris, 1976
Les peintres français nouveaux, 1926, p. 12, no. 25, illustrated
Emmanuel Mavromatis, Dimitris Galanis - Etching and Painting, Doctoral Thesis, Athens, 1983, p. 83, discussed (as Geometrical Landscape)
G. Petreas, Galanis, Athens, 1955, p. 45, illustrated
Emmanuel Mavromatis, Dimitris Galanis - Etching and Painting, Doctoral Thesis, Athens, 1983, p. 83, discussed (as Geometrical Landscape)
G. Petreas, Galanis, Athens, 1955, p. 45, illustrated