Lot 43
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Antonio Gionima Venice 1697-1732 Bologna

40,000 - 60,000 USD
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  • Antonio Gionima
  • esther obtains the punishment of haman from king ahasuerus
  • bears old attribution on the backing in pen and brown ink: Di Gionima
  • black chalk and stumping, point of the brush and brown ink and wash, heightened with white; 
    extended by the artist on three sides

Catalogue Note

This may be a study for a painting of the subject by Gionima, now unknown, but highly praised by Luigi Crespi in his Vite de'pittori bolognese....(Rome 1769) and described as 'Il terribile quadro, che รจ nel appartamento Ranuzzi, rappresentante la condanna di Amanno fatta dal Re Assuero'.  Two other studies for the same composition are in the Royal Library, Windsor, one of which is a more elaborate version of this, drawn in pen and ink heightened with white oil paint (see Otto Kurz, Bolognese Drawings of the XVII & XVIII Centuries, London 1955, no. 282, pl. 41, and no. 283).  A somewhat different version of the composition, more freely drawn, is in the Museo Horne, Florence (see C. Johnston, Mostra di Disegni Bolognesi dal XVI al XVIII secolo, Florence 1973, no. 120) while a further study belongs to the Comune di Bologna.