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Leonid Sokov, b.1941

20,000 - 25,000 GBP
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  • Leonid Sokov
  • Meeting of Two Sculptures
  • conceived 1984; signed in Latin on the base and dated 1990; further stamped  A P 2/2
  • bronze
  • Height: 49cm., 19¼in.


The Roman Tabakman Collection, USA


New York, The Tabakman Gallery, 1997

Exhibition details for numbered casts from the same edition

Minneapolis, Museum of Russian Art, Socialist Realism and Non-Conformist Art, August 2006, Ex.Cat. p.168 (illustrated)

New York, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Transit: Russian Artists between the East and West, 1989

Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum, Soviet Contemporary Art, 1990

Moscow, State Tretyakov Gallery, 1991

St. Petersburg, State Russian Museum, Forbidden Art: The Postwar Russian Avant-Garde, 12 February-4 April 1999 

New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Russia! Nine Hundred Years of Masterpieces and Master Collections, 16 September 2005 – 11 January 2006, Ex.Cat. p.401 (illustrated)






Related literature:

G. White (Ed.), Forbidden Art: The Post-War Russian Avant-Garde, New York: DAP 1998, p.73

Leonid Sokov Sculptures, Paintings, Objects, Installations, Documents, Articles. Moscow: The State Russian Museum, Palace Edition, 2000

E. Degot, Russkoe iskusstvo 20-go veka, Moscow: Trilistnik, 200, p.183

E. Andreeva Rossia v N`yu Yorke I Bilbao, St. Petersburg: Palace Editions, 2006, p.295


Catalogue Note

The mid 1980s were an especially tumultuous time for Russian society as the Soviet Union began opening up to the West. Sokov illustrates this meeting of two cultures with the irony and laconism so characteristic for his work, by fusing a commercially produced statuette of Lenin and a bronze figure modeled by the artist in the style of Giacometti. Between 1986 and 1990, Sokov produced a limited edition of 8 casts and 2 artist’s proofs from his original prototype.