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Popov, Aleksandr Stepanovich.
- Pribor' dlya obnaruzheniya i registrirovaniya elektricheskikh' kolebanii [An apparatus for detecting and recording electrical oscillations], in: Zhurnal Russkago fiziko-khimicheskago obshchestva, volume 28. St Petersburg, 1896
Catalogue Note
first edition of popov's account of the earliest reception of electromagnetic signals. The present article is an extended account of a very brief summary of a report Popov had given to the Physical Section of the Russian Physicochemical Society in St Petersburg, on 7 May 1895, on which the claim of Popov's priority to be the inventor of the radio is based. By the beginning of 1896, when the present article was published, Popov had significantly improved his receiver and was having much better results in both transmitting and receiving signals, and by the summer of 1896 his equipment had been demonstrated publicly on several occasions. In the autumn of 1896 Marconi published an account of the first wireless telegraph, dating his claim from June 1896, and when his patent was obtained in 1897 and a diagram of his apparatus published, it appeared very similar to that published by Popov in the present article a year previously. In 1908, two years after Popov's death, a commission of competence was established by the Physical Section of the Russian Physicochemical Society to investigate the question of priority; it concluded that Popov "was justified as being recognized as the inventor of the wireless telegraph".
One of the diagrams is the first published diagram of the radio.