Impressionist & Modern Art

Highest Total for Any Auction Ever Staged in London at £195 Million

By Sotheby's

G ustav Klimt's exceptional summer landscape Bauerngarten inspired energetic bidding in front of a packed London saleroom to achieve £48 million in the Impressionist & Modern Art Sale. Also leading the sale were three portraits by Pablo Picasso, accompanied by his poignant war-time still life Plant de tomates which sold for £17 million. Paul Gauguin's vision of the south pacific, Te Arii Vahinereached £8.4 million, and Alfred Sisley's snow-scape Effet de neige à Louveciennes sold for £7.4 million – a new record for the artist.  The sale achieved £195 Million, the highest total for an auction ever staged in London. Click through to view the top results and highlights from the evening.


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